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Samsung Galaxy S10 Review

Samsung S10 Review with Front Camera Vlog and Back Camera Vlog Test

I have watched a lot of Samsung S10 reviews and it seems many people only have a front camera in the upward position rather in the normal vlog recording style for YouTube so this is recorded front and back the same way that you usually would hold the camera for vlogging.

Samsung Galaxy S10 can now be bought on the official website for a range of prices starting £669 and going way up to £1399 depending on the version you want to get, the version of the Samsung Galaxy S10 I got was the normal one not plus sized for £799.

Back camera vlogging test, front camera vlogging test to be thourough for you to show you how vlogging may look when you use it for your YouTube videos.

Samsung Galaxy S10 Review, using the Samsung J3 2016 to start off with and ending in the Samsung galaxy s10 phone with both the cameras.

Why not come and hit the like button or the dislike button, maybe you would like to hit subscribe and the notification button, and while you're here drop a comment in the comment box below I'd love to hear from you good or bad. This Link will be ready for usage by 18/06/2019 - IT IS THE VIDEO REVIEW OF WHAT IS WRITTEN


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